What’s that sound you hear coming from the Pickleball courts?
It could be the unique “pop” made when the paddle contacts the ball or, more likely, it’s the sound of laughter from your friends and neighbors enjoying the fastest growing sport in the country!
Last April, along with the formation of the Rarity Bay Pickleball Club, a new Thursday event called “Dink & Dine” was created.
Dink & Dine was formed as a community wide social event to encourage Pickleball play in a relaxed, inclusive format. It’s a great way to meet new neighbors on the courts followed by social time in The Bay Bistro (pickleball attire is accepted in the Clubhouse). Depending on weather, play is typically one to two hours. Non-playing spouses and guests are always encouraged to join in for food and fun in The Bay Bistro after play.
The inaugural year for Dink & Dine has been very successful. The weekly attendance consistently has 25 to 35 people of all skill levels.
All Country Club Members are encouraged to join in on the Dink & Dine fun. If you would like to be added to the weekly Dink & Dine email list, or if you have any questions, please email Mark Gibson at markgibson331@gmail.com. Each week’s schedule is announced in advance via email and early sign ups help us work with Corie and her staff to ensure smooth operation in the Clubhouse.
Guidelines for Pickleball at Rarity Bay:
- Court Shoes Required
- Paddles are Available (if you don’t own one)
- Must be a Country Club Member
Note: Membership in the Rarity Bay Pickleball Club is encouraged, but not required for Dink & Dine. For more information on the Rarity Bay Pickleball Club, please contact Jeff Laws at jlaws@dialysisep.com