Rarity Bay has many new seal-coated roads, including the Clubhouse parking lot. We are so happy with the results and improvement to the roads in the community.
Knoxville Opera Dinner Concert @ RBCC
For details about Knoxville Opera activities and tickets, please visit www.KnoxvilleOpera.com
community 4th of July celebration
4th of July at Rarity Bay is a long-standing tradition in the community in which began with the Rarity Bay Yacht Club (RBYC) many years ago. In 2016, the Rarity Bay Country Club (RBCC), Rarity Bay Women’s Club (RBWC), and RBYC hosted the first annual Community Wide 4th of July Celebration at RBCC. Together, these clubs host Rarity Bay’s largest (and best) event of the year!
This year, there were close to 650 friends and neighbors in attendance. The event began with a traditional cookout style buffet followed by the 4th of July parade, singing of the National Anthem by Karey Daniel, RBWC Carnival with tons of fun games, popcorn, Mayfield’s ice cream sandwiches, sno cones, live entertainment from GRITS, and the grand finale fireworks show thanks to Dixie Lee Fireworks.
The 4th Annual Community Wide 4th of July Celebration at RBCC was an outstanding success! A huge thank you to everyone who attended and helped make the event one to remember. The bond within this community is truly inspiring.
2019 Member Guest Tournament
The Member Guest Tournament is a yearly tradition for Golf Members at Rarity Bay Country Club. It is one of our biggest and most anticipated events of the year. The tournament features three days of golf, a cocktail party with live entertainment, heavy hors d ‘oeuvres, putting contest, activities for the ladies and spouses of the participants, breakfast and lunches each day, Foot Joy shop with gifts, and a closing banquet with a three course dinner, awards, and dancing. We had the largest amount of participants this year with over 100 player’s and all were happy to report that everything was outstanding.
Day 1 of Rarity Bay’s 2019 Member Guest Tournament
This year’s golf rounds looked a little different considering the weather forecast was not in our favor. The participants played 27 holes of golf today (an extra 9 holes) followed by the putting contest and cocktail party at the Club. During the cocktail party we had a Tennis Ball Toss for the ladies. Thanks to our local business sponsors for donating all of the gifts. We hope business returns to you tenfold!
Day 2 of Rarity Bay’s 2019 Member Guest Tournament
Thankfully the weather held out for us again and we were able to finish up the last 18 holes of the tournament and the shootout. This is the first year we have had to squeeze in this many rounds of golf due to weather. We are so thankful that everyone in the tournament was patient and flexible with the schedule changes and had a great time during the tournament.
Day 3 of Rarity Bay’s 2019 Member Guest Tournament
The last day of the tournament. We closed out the tournament with the Closing Banquet featuring a three course dinner, awards, and dancing.
Congratulations to the Overall Member Guest Champions! Kathy & Ashleigh Mead won the Ladies division and Jim & Marc McCoy won the Men’s division.
The entire three day event was a complete success. We thank all of the participants for joining us this year and helping make this event complete. We hope to see you back next year!
RB Pickleball Club’s Annual Meeting/Dink & Dine
The Rarity Bay Pickleball Club held their Annual Meeting after Dink & Dine at The Bay Bistro last Thursday evening. They recognized the 2018 Pickleball Club Board for their hard work and dedication to the Pickleball community here at Rarity Bay. They also appointed their new 2019 Pickleball Club President and board members. We would like to thank the Pickleball Club Boards (past & present) for their hard work and efforts in making Pickleball at Rarity Bay a fun and social sport.
LGA Opening Day
LGA Opening Day!
The RB LGA kicked off the season with a Step Aside Scramble followed by a chili and baked potato bar at the Club. Nick Boruff, Head Pro, dressed up for the occasion and was on the 8th hole hitting tee shots for the ladies. It was a fun opening day and we look forward to a great season!